
into the future

Some Prediction I've Made On Earth's Future.

most human would have plastic in their system.
don't really have to look far ahead, it's very common nowadays, just one act of reusing a plastic bottle for drinking is enough to make this statement true.

Robotic animals will be exhibited in zoos instead of real animals.
It's not hard to see why, i makes me sad though, our grandchildren might never see real animal in their life. but i guess robotic animals are better than watching some boring old documentary about the animal kingdom.

Artificial Forest to be grown by utilising totipotent stem cells.
article here, shows us the small potential of stem cells in regrowing our forest or even regrowing a long extinct plant. even though, it is just cloning and not actually resurrecting a plant, the potential is big.

derived from my very long essay about this. I'm not trying to play Nostradamus here but just trying to point out the obvious truth that others might not have noticed.

Monday, July 13, 2009


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